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September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
November 2010
March 2011
July 2012
I hate polluters =)
Wa computer very lag...damn it.. ok this is very random..Went to tzongmin house at around 3.30 to have war with ants Played pokemon diamond using cheats=)than later go jp play arcade,tzongmin so noob at daytona i use auto also win him-(He uses manual btw)than play hse of undead,too fast die coz gun got problem reloading lols than go back to tzongmin house with snack than have war again..halfway than earth hour..tzongmin go off the light,cant c any ants so cannot war lols,we watch a movie instead.Name of Movie-Bruce Almighty.OK la watch halfway stupid bastard talking in msn make the com hang,than dont want watch liao.Go home after that.
Ok today still ok,math wasnt paying attention so forgot what mdm geja teach,english skipped due to fun fair..i think we sold aabt 400 ice cream?-.- still got 150left lols ate alot alot alot of ice cream today,3cone 2 orange 1 plum lols and i gave kahman 1 orange de,see i so good lols than i ask mr chin to buy ice cream,SO niao... only buy 1 orange which only cost $1?-.-mdm geja bought 20 than blanjah ask you know?Speaking abt mdm geja i rmb the homework which i didnt do for 3 days-.-2e6 cookie sell so well,wanna buy also no more liao!ok..remove permsiion coz everytime i see my blog i lazy to log in liao-.-
Kaijien is such an ass so annoying till i must put password grrrrrrrr
Okay i woke up at 12 do english compo than do halfway of the lit poem..than too lazy to do le than dont wan do
after that when to watch movie lols tzongmin and alson treat.Watch hotel for dogs,okay la quite intresting.1week holiday give till so much homework-.-,nvm i reward the teachers with my uncomplete,messy,anyhow do de assignment to them so they will have a hardtime marking muahahahahahaha
Training suspension due to foul play on certain occasion
Hearing on 26thMARCH.....
i not paikia hor,its the song that is nice
LOL.Went to cut hair with tzongmin and now he look gay...he say i look like a mushroom lols,Whatever.
Later went to jurong point instead of orchard road lols than went around the whole jp b4 going to tzongmin house to watch LAO SHI JIA LAO DA lols.V.funny than after that play pokemon diamond,woot finally caught a legendary pokemon with that tzongmin help who suggested looking for video to teach us how to find.
okay..last day of meeting mr ang moh haha after el camp when home than went tzongmin house to do project and i lost my thumbdrive on the way home...Hope dont have any inconsiderate bastard find and use it,because tzongmin put pictures inside-.-!!!
YAWN just woke up than realise i left th computer on for 1hr+?-.-okay update about today english camp.The teacher sibei geisiao -.- Go toilets also get reward-.-haha than he ask guohong to say 5words that best describe himself but he say he not ready,Aizai i ready liao than he ask me speak-.- in the end get a cadbury chocolate that melted less than 2hr?-.-Than blahblah blah went home liao haha.Dont dare to eat the chocolate now scared got melamine haha eat it later
Tzongmin hacked my msn account and use it to do stupid things..........Those who know also never tell me..
kaijien ,you sucks=).Ichigo lost to byakuya so stop arguing with me.His senkei or goukei senbonzakura kageyoshi enough to kill more than 10 ichigo liao SO shut up pls=)
OKay screw the HBL~~~can't they just use web cam..waste my time to understand all those stupid things.This time i rather sit MRt go to changi airport eat burger king...okay enough abt hbl yesterday went arcade with tm lols than buy pringles to eat NEW Flavour leh---->SALT and Pepper than sucker tzongmin go take a ballon from the ntuc aunty.WAbiang eh so old liao still play balloon,see his face like is going to take than give gf 1 hahaha than go home liao
Okay...............................................................E learining is boringgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg coz the thing inside are lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.I wantCHOCOLATE SUNDAEEEEEEEEEE FOM MCCCCCC DONALLLDDDDDDSSSSSSSS ok fuck e learning just sux...didnt know gt two section of math,day 1 and day 2 i thought day 2 no nid do in the end need..VERY stress one leh..........stupid staffs from school created this thing...dont know how to do also cannot explaine to you because computer got no mouth although got speaker but no audio clip..why dont use web cam to do e learning leh... can see and hear what teacher say much more better..I will write this down in the next feedback form for e learning trust me
Why no training!~~!@#####
GIve us training la
We need it
So bored at home
So better give us training,GIVe us training,I Want training .
Okay basically today went to joo chiat to pray than go shoppingawhile go home do homework liao
Yokelin u damn disgusting please-.-But also good lah next year bio lesson no nid study lols
SUCKER la e learning..waste our time..If the school think that computer can conduct lesson than why not conduct o level using computer at home also-.-
SO lame later got ptm..okay basically got back my progress report.Fuck it i fail 2 subjects-.-math and geog.Cannot blame me coz i was attending west zone then....lalal later than update
Here is the score-.-
ARt 53
Okay back from PTM kinda boring... before the speak of streaming,the talk was extremely boring..the speaker doesnt seem nid to reload.SHe kept on talking and talking till i wan sleep liao..okay for streaming i think i want to get bio and chem haha physic involve math so i dont want lols.oh well end here bb
LOLS,okay today lesson quite okay...tmr ptm than stupiod leader ship training and el camp...waste of time lols. okay after D and T when to play vb with sec1 lols.ALmost flare up hahah yawn so lousy la they lols..ok just now when he feng set the ball up,i never read timing jump in the end miss the ball than they laugh at me=) nevermind=) no net mah gt net than come talk to me la noobs sec 1,dont make me reveal the darkside of mine,i am warning you.Well there is only 1 guy in sec 1 i salute, his service abt the same as tengli rest of the sec1 all craps.I think c'boys 08 did better.Sec1 go train another year than talk to me la hahaha
OK i try this permission thing,lols i will put permssion for abt 1day for fun?hahaha
OK today ziqing birthday lols,after school didnt went to js immediately went home play computer instead lols,than sat bus go js at 4.30... reach thr kena spat by flour by zimin...at first thought dont have kena but when i took off my cloth at home,inside also gt flour wtf...
okay after this dont want to say than go play badminton lols whacked alot people muahaha.ok end here
Ps no birthday present for you coz i didnt get to eat da cake>:(
OK visited geylang old folks home..was told to mope this and that,than on bus during the journey back to school was dreaming abt my KFC-.- saliva drooling haha
okok see this video on 080309 :stupid and idiotic at thr last part hahaha
Very funny right?The yokelin name the dance it as ''international dance'' seh lols
Oh what an ass after school went to NTUC to buy thing for tmr trip to old folks home,on the way back to school,the bastard guohong splah the water on the road on me,wtf?u think u christian than got the rights to do such thing ar?shouldnt christian help ppl instead of doing this rubbish?I am very sure u will end up in hell i tell u,all day long u tell me about jesus chris and say till u like very guai like dat,more like guailan la jibye,didnt even say sorry and u just ran off?big fuck?
hope u take a look at my nlog and c this image

as for volleyball,quite boring and getting fed up day by day..sec 1 use hall we use outdoor court.2008 volleyball training junior and senior were sharing the same training location.And this year less than 10 people nid to occupy the old bloody hall?does mix training affect them?i dont think so...Just being bias
OK,today went to regin so called b'day celebration at vivo-.-reach jP than waited for abt 30min ,all arrive than go lo..okay,ate at long john than discuss about foreign student lols,tzongmin dont sad la.than jiu go play water.MUAHAHAHA most of them got throw into the water.play play awhile than cut cake the cake smell like cheese...ok than use the remaining to go bash up regin lols,didnt know she can run so fast lols,but in the end still got caught kena tiramisu on her head lols,OK after that all headed to jp for dinner..Was in the MRT than smell something like Rotten eggs,smelly+sour...so disgusting,guess what?the smell came from regin head..coz the tiramisu on her head left a stain on it than she go spray deodarent...
hahaha LOL should have play with yokelin blog account for a longer time yesterday haahah,actually no tricycle de la,Ps i didnt know Cadbury melt so fast...HAppy birthday tiramisu
Okay today slept till 12noon wake up play computer than go slp agn than gp jp.than come back lols
Okay my sis help yokelin change her blogskin,after completing,my sis 4got to sign out..Soooooooooo i played with her blog lor hahaha not hack hor,is forget sign out....Ok than blahblah gtg BB haha stupid tm daytona lose to me,wait i wil lend off with a NS-video haha must watch
WOOT gona fail my common test retest again,hahaha wtf 30min for 6 question.. i didnt even get to do the 1st and 2nd question...than geography,mdm vani ask us who wanna take pure geography,many people raised up their hand sia...than see keith they all raise hand,i confirm no hope liao...WELL I WANT CHIONG LIAO BE IT MOCK TEST CLASS TEST OR COMMON TEST i am gona study liao..i am gona study,i wan take pure geog grrrrrrr.sucker math suck...Even with formula in my head i still forgot to simplify.. and i cant even remember what is inverse proportion..haizzzzzzzzz
SHould not have gone for vb competition... okay msn awhile do sci,that some1 ask me how to get electricity without producing gas.THe ans is buy from government la hahaha.okay go jp to get presents for people bdays than when to eat laksa at banquet than tzongmin treat me eat waffles,lols thx end here la bb
LOLs okay today school was fun lols so many teacher nvr come.RIOTS time lols.Okay after sch went to js to do some math sum.Tzongmin was my tutor hahah teach me till pek chek liao..than the ziqing la kns very extra make me forget all my formula.Her laughter very kong bu de at mac donalds laugh till so loud that all people looking at her...haiz this year sec1 vballers very good sia, gt knee guard,got water bottle.Heard from others that they even had training early in the morning before assembly..B div leh..do some weight lifting,service,spiking,cool down than go home.WTH dont wanna continue..
OMG recover my computer and evrything start to go wrong..everything is so big.....
Anybody know how to change screen resolution?Coz whenever i change the resolution,got something come out saying "not opitimum size,recommand 1400x900.
Help me some1...
OKAY..today sch quite boring haha except for ART.Than vb training...so many rules.WTH if wan play match than go home, every training must have knee guard...Dotz i still haven receive mine yet.OKay do weight lifting,digging,setting,dig and set, and lastly jump spiking..almost the same as free spike wad..whacked alot ppl...hahaha i whacked lynette legs?SORRY.
OK end here